PPC: Second Contact (cont'd from previous section) made any new friends since yesterday, 604e? No 604e doesn't have friends. His mom is a bitch, too. (or so he says) except my girlfriend I kinda like her. not my mom sure he does, don't you 604e? !kick freaky kick me huh?? *** Freaky has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) kick me huh??) what's your girlfrineds name, man? Catherine why? what color hair? > what's her serial #? ;P black > What PSI is she rated at? <[PeeFu]> Don't be messin with Freaky PPC! * tribunal bets, by a huge coincidence, 604e's mom's name is Catherine too Nope <[PeeFu]> hehehe My mom died lon time ago in a plane crash hehe <[PeeFu]> no, here name is Kathy.... hehe <[PeeFu]> liar risc, that's pretty funny did you think of that joke by yourself? or did your girlfriend help? No the bot does it *** sTarMax (stream@james.kalifornia.com) has joined channel #macforce <[PeeFu]> Girlfriend=Mom....... everytime you typoe three or more lines laz: thanks RISC604e for lameness thanks=thank he invented it !kick RISC604e *** RISC604e has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) ) the bot helps you make up crappy jokes? *** RISC604e (RISC604e@ppp-206-170-0-155.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined channel #macforce <[PeeFu]> huh? <[PeeFu]> Ur a stupid dumbass dork! !kick [PeeFu] <[PeeFu]> Ur kicking urself now? *** [PeeFu] has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) ) *** [PeeFu] (dumbass@ppp-14202.firstnethou.com) has joined channel #macforce !kick [PeeFu] <[PeeFu]> Stop kick me LaMeR! *** [PeeFu] has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) ) *** [PeeFu] (dumbass@ppp-14202.firstnethou.com) has joined channel #macforce !kick [PeeFu] Lamer and Flooder. *** [PeeFu] has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) Lamer and Flooder.) peefu, that's not all he does with himself, if you catch my drift I know Can we PLEASE stop this pissing contest??? Change your Nick =) *** [PeeFu] (dumbass@ppp-14202.firstnethou.com) has joined channel #macforce <[PeeFu]> liar sure <[PeeFu]> Flooder? *** Signoff: RISC604e (G'nite all) RISC, when's your birthday again? <[PeeFu]> He started it! Ok Im getten Sick of this Shit <[PeeFu]> Yeah! <[PeeFu]> LaMeR he always leaves... the little Aarow he'll be back in 15 minutes, watch like a dog *** cm (OG@ndts14.pt4.ndsu.NoDak.edu) has joined channel #macforce <[PeeFu]> That's true *** RISC604e (RISC604e@ppp-206-170-0-155.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined channel #macforce see??? <[PeeFu]> hehehe like a german shepard <[PeeFu]> he comes back like a dog he always comes back <[PeeFu]> Golden Retrever? 604e, I asked you when your birthday was right before you left <[PeeFu]> Fetch doggy... <[PeeFu]> Fetch wanna answer me? heh Dec 1 why I left to relog on *** NEcr0_ (necro@por-nh1-08.ix.netcom.com) has joined channel #macforce i thought it was Novemeber 1 that's what you said last night LoL <[PeeFu]> define PPC hehe <|HaL9k|> PPC: the LaMeR that thinks he's kewl <[PeeFu]> define PPC604e <|HaL9k|> PPC604e: A dumb ass lamer who has his hand up his ass <[PeeFu]> define RISC <|HaL9k|> RISC: a goat lovin' fool %) define Freaky <|HaL9k|> Freaky: Admin of Project N/A NOT heheh, is that bot? define PPC <|HaL9k|> PPC: the LaMeR that thinks he's kewl hehe <[PeeFu]> I make phun of my self better than that! <[PeeFu]> Dumbass dork 604e, so... what did you get for your birthday? a new car? oh wait you can't drive <|HaL9k|> RISC604e just taught me the word erase err heh err STOP Play you add to many words !! <[PeeFu]> ...definition aol LameR land !kick tribunal stop adding words *** tribunal has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) stop adding words) *** tribunal (ircle@cyber125.cyberspc.mb.ca) has joined channel #macforce geez man.. get a dictionary! !kick [PeeFu] stop adding words its going to be bannd if you overload a bot *** [PeeFu] has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) stop adding words its going to be bannd if you overload a bot) *** [PeeFu] (dumbass@ppp-14202.firstnethou.com) has joined channel #macforce err freaky <[PeeFu]> shut up dork. stop adding words <[PeeFu]> stop kicking! it fills up the bot !kick [PeeFu] asshole *** [PeeFu] has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) asshole) *** [PeeFu] (dumbass@ppp-14202.firstnethou.com) has joined channel #macforce <[PeeFu]> STOP! <[PeeFu]> Power happy LameR..... err heh how did he get kick privs on this channel anyway? no one likes 604e <[PeeFu]> Remember those few hours that he had OP in #_static_realm_ <_rabi_> 604e's a dick <[PeeFu]> He was just like that! I run the largest warez network in north armeica he's like 13 years old not stop messing around guys largest warez network in north america is yo' mamma's ASS err free speech I wanna get the ABCs in!! go ahead and excersie it !! hehe sorry bout that, I know, it doesn't even make sense <[PeeFu]> than shut up! <[PeeFu]> Let him do what he wants! !kick [PeeFu] tell your self to shutup,you talk to much define gay <|HaL9k|> I don't know the word gay. Maybe you can help? *** [PeeFu] has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) tell your self to shutup,you talk to much) definition gay [PeeFu] <|HaL9k|> RISC604e just taught me the word gay *** [PeeFu] (dumbass@ppp-14202.firstnethou.com) has joined channel #macforce define gay <|HaL9k|> gay: [PeeFu] hehe i got you back now [PeeFu] !! *** RISC604e has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech (*) you have no power here (*) *** RISC604e (RISC604e@ppp-206-170-0-155.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined channel #macforce err why kick me !kick _rabi_ err <_rabi_> don't start shit *** _rabi_ has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech ( (RISC604e) ) *** _rabi_ (poly@PUCK.SPEEDLINK.COM) has joined channel #macforce definition wanker '604e <|HaL9k|> tribunal just taught me the word wanker redefine gay PPC <[PeeFu]> definition RISC604e Power happy LaMeR also see: RISC, PPC, PPC604e define ppc <|HaL9k|> ppc: the LaMeR that thinks he's kewl <[PeeFu]> define RISC604e <|HaL9k|> RISC604e: hmmm....one word... "flud" talk to much hehe *** Mode change "+b-o *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net RISC604e" on channel #macforce by Net-Tech <[PeeFu]> hehehe *** RISC604e has been kicked off channel #macforce by Net-Tech (*) latah (*) <[PeeFu]> YES! YES! <_rabi_> there !! rabi Great werk *** Mode change "-b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by _rabi_ *** Mode change "-b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by _rabi_ <[PeeFu]> define PPC604e <|HaL9k|> PPC604e: A dumb ass lamer who has his hand up his ass *** RISC604e (RISC604e@ppp-206-170-0-155.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined channel #macforce *** Mode change "+b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by MacForCe *** Mode change "-o RISC604e" on channel #macforce by sTarMax *** Mode change "-o RISC604e" on channel #macforce by Net-Tech definition F 6th letter of the ABC's ALSO: Fag (2PPC) *** RISC604e has been kicked off channel #macforce by MacForCe (You are banned.) *** Mode change "-b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by _rabi_ hehe <_rabi_> .inv RISC604e *** RISC604e (RISC604e@ppp-206-170-0-146.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined channel #macforce <[PeeFu]> 166Mhz *** Mode change "+b-o *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net RISC604e" on channel #macforce by sTarMax *** Mode change "-o RISC604e" on channel #macforce by Net-Tech *** RISC604e has been kicked off channel #macforce by sTarMax (You are banned.) <_rabi_> shit <[PeeFu]> kewl.... OuCh, Thats GoTTa hurt *** Mode change "-b+b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by rabi *** Signoff: tribunal (Ping timeout) !unban *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net .unban *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net #unban *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net *** Mode change "-b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by rabi <[PeeFu]> How am I banned from #Catholic? <[PeeFu]> Why am I? LoL *** RISC604e (RISC604e@ppp-206-170-0-146.snfc21.pacbell.net) has joined channel #macforce *** Mode change "+b *!*RISC604e@*.snfc21.pacbell.net" on channel #macforce by MacForCe i dunno *** Mode change "-o RISC604e" on channel #macforce by sTarMax *** Mode change "-o RISC604e" on channel #macforce by Net-Tech *** RISC604e has been kicked off channel #macforce by sTarMax (You are banned.)